You know, when I look at you I see something different than you do. Your confidence, your talent (I’d posit that you have a rather immense talent for writing, which I think is a true gift) your fashion sense, your loyalty, your commitment to your family, your faith, and your creativity… I could go on and on. So you don’t have a hobby at which you excel? I dare say, Claire, that should you want one, you would find yourself an expert in no time. I love this essay for many reasons, but it also showcases exactly what I’m saying above—your talent, my dear, IS the writing.

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This morning, one of my daughters had a pre-teen crisis while getting ready for school. I found myself saying, “It’s okay. It’s okay.” I then repeated that as my husband prepared to drive them away, “It’s okay, girls. I love you.”

Maybe that’s how God views all of us who are struggling in this season of unverified tasks. “It’s okay. I love you just as you are.”

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Needed this, too. Thank you, Jolina.

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I didn't need one more thing to cry over, this week, but thank you.

You're seen, and I'm grateful for you.

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I have said (and written) these exact words: I feel invisible. What am I doing with my life? As a teacher. wife and mom, I chose a life of service and often a thankless role. But quickly something will remind me, it's not a bad thing. Servitude is a good thing, and actually what God calls us to do. When we serve we are reminding others too as well! P.S. I bought a set of 4 pickleball paddles in June fanticizing that my family of four (2 teenage boys) would have this in common and we would play at least once a week. They were never touched! So at least you're out there playing the game! Anyway, you are very good at writing and relating to people which I would call fantastic and unique gifts. Thank you for your post.

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Oh, this is precisely the pity party I’ve been throwing for myself for the past three months. I’m only just pulling myself out again. Your words are precisely what I needed to hear. Also, isn’t it deeply contradictory how I would look at you and the way you spend your days and say you are doing precisely what you are meant to do, but I have a hard time granting that for myself?

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Simply, me too! And so I remind myself I am “playing” for an audience of One. This centers me. Everyone will fail me eventually, including myself. But God.

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It is so easy to fall into the trap of comparison and feel sorry for ourselves. No matter how good a person will get at a particular thing, someone will always be better. It is so easy to go down that trap.

You have such a gift of writing as you take the struggles we all face and put an honest but uplifting spin on them. When I see your name pop up in my email, I truly feel a "spark of joy" because you are inspiring. I thank you for each and every piece you share here.

God is so good. Thanks for reminding me to trust that he has made me beautifully in his own image and not what the world considers beautiful.

God's blessings to you as you are raising those two wonderful boys and still finding time to encourage/inspire others with your gift of words. Thank you!

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Ummm… excuse me, you are an excellent writer who has published a book!!!

You have a beautiful artistic gift.

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